Best Shopping in South Bali

Local Recommendations from our My Guide Bali team

Shopping in Bali can be a little disconcerting unless you know 'the drill' beforehand. There are supermarkets like Carrefour, Hardy's, Bali Deli, Bintang, Robinson, Matahari and a few others where prices are set. That's your groceries.

Then there are brand names like Rip Curl, Uluwatu Lace, etc., where prices are displayed. At most other shops you should bargain - it's expected. If you do not bargain and just accept the asking price for an article, you are loco.The first thing is to know the value of Rupiahs against your home currency, like A$1=Rp10,000+/- Knowing that, you can decide if the article is worth the asking price. You offer very low; the seller shows a pained look and drops a little; you go up a little (or not), until you agree on a price. An example: a Rp250,000 shirt bought for Rp75,000. Do not show ignorance of the local Rupiah, nor tell the seller to take what he/she needs. Count out the money yourself.You will even do this bargaining drill in unmetered taxis, when you know the rates.Warning: If you have no interest in an article, ignore the seller. Do not state a silly price 'just to get rid of him/her'. If you state a price, you have shown an intention to purchase and you will be expected to conclude a deal.